Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5 Miles!!!

So I have my wonderful family here visiting from The Netherlands, we get them for 3 whole weeks and what a great time we are having!!

Els is a runner and does training 2-3 times a week at home, so she has been so kind as to go with me this week and give me some great tips, so great in fact that I ran my first 5 miles!! What an exhilarating feeling to know that i have once again run farther than ever before, and that I WILL be able to run a marathon in June!!

I am so thankful for my family and the support they give to me. I have the best sisters in the world. I am excited to go on this journey with KL. I am also so glad that she has the patience to listen to me!!  Thanks:)

We are snowmobiling and skiing this week, there is soooo much snow here which means fun for all!!

Happy New Year, make 2011 the year to remember.


  1. You are such an inspiration. I hope one day I can run a marathon, or even 5 miles all at once. So far I am looking at a training schedule with 3 rest days a week. It is, after all, all about the rest days =). Keep running!
    Love ya,
    Thora Duncan

  2. hey, are you going to do a 1/2 before your full marathon? just curious.
